Chenxin News────    公司新闻    ────
In the morning of August 19, 2019, even in the hot summer, Wu Jinjin, director of the equipment manufacturing industry development research center of the General Research Institute of mechanical science, Feng Zhu, deputy district head of Shangyu District of Hu Baorong, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Daoxu, and other leaders visited our company in person, accompanied by Ruan Weixin, chairman of our company, Ruan Haixiang, general manager, Yang Baohua, Minister of Technology Departmen…
On July 20, 2019, the 2019 China (Shaoxing) intelligent testing and inspection & Testing Conference and 2019 China (Shaoxing) intelligent testing and inspection & Testing exhibition were held in Shaoxing Binhai New City. More than 600 guests from inspection and testing, survey and design, construction supervision units at home and abroad, scientific research institutes, colleges and universities, industry associations, major equipment manufacturers such as UAVs, robots and artificial intelligenc…
On June 24, 2019, Zhejiang Chenxin mechanical equipment Co., Ltd. held a meeting in the conference room on the first floor, with 13 people including the chairman, general manager and leaders of all departments participating in the meeting.
With the cool summer, beautiful mood and sincere blessing, Zhejiang Chenxin wishes you all happiness and good health and all the best in the Dragon Boat Festival ahead of time!
In order to solve the problems that the new employees of the construction project quality testing organization do not know the performance of the instruments and equipment, which lead to the improper operation of the test and detection personnel in daily work, the inadequate maintenance, often lead to the inaccuracy of the instruments and equipment, the large test and detection errors, and the inability to fill in the maintenance records, etc., which cause great trouble to the director of the la…
In the beautiful season of spring, yingyuyanhui and willow catkins, we welcome leaders and friends of Guizhou construction engineering quality inspection association to Shangyu.
Warmly congratulate Zhejiang Chenxin Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. on the success of dealers' new year tea party in 2019
From May 12 to 14, 2018, the "technical training course for instrument and equipment maintenance and intermediate verification" jointly organized by China Railway Engineering Testing Association and Zhejiang Chenxin mechanical equipment Co., Ltd. has been completed perfectly. At the training meeting, the experts had a warm exchange and discussion with the company's technical personnel, and visited the company's workshop and product exhibition hall. The company's product quality and company manag…
The annual chairman meeting of China Railway Engineering Test and detection association was held in Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province from December 3 to 4, 2017. Zhejiang Chenxin mechanical equipment Co., Ltd., which is invited to attend every year, successfully registered and participated in the meeting on December 1.
According to Article 13 of the Metrology Law of the people's Republic of China and the relevant provisions of the detailed rules for the implementation of metrology of the people's Republic of China, the new products of measuring instruments applied for type approval by our unit are examined and approved.
Congratulations on the success of Zhejiang Chenxin website
On the morning of June 2, 2016, Xu Mingguang, vice mayor of Shaoxing City and other city leaders came to our company to do work research. Mr. Ruan Weixin, chairman of our company, accompanied us all the way and reported the company's development history, enterprise scale, enterprise culture and current operation situation to Vice Mayor Xu Mingguang and his party in detail.
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